Suppose you have been involved in a traffic accident (whether in your vehicle, on public transport, or in an accident with a truck or garbage truck), a fall on someone else’s property or in a public place, medical negligence, a dog bite or poisoning from a wrong product or medicine. In that case, you will most likely be in a position to make a personal injury claim.
What is a personal injury claim?
A personal injury claim is a legal procedure initiated with the desire to obtain compensation for physical or psychological damage caused by an accident. In many cases, personal injury compensation accompanies property damage usually received after a traffic accident. General damages compensation, as a rule, is intended to cover the costs of medical and pharmaceutical bills, hospital admission and care, possible operations and reconstructions, days off work and, if the injuries are severe, it is also possible to receive an amount for pain and suffering and alteration of the quality of personal and family life. If a wrongful death has occurred under any of the above circumstances, the victim’s family members may also be eligible for such compensation.
How do I know if I am eligible for compensation?
To resolve this question, it is wise to seek the help of a lawyer who is an expert in the field. In principle and broadly speaking, the situations we have mentioned above constitute the scenario after which compensation is received. Still, there are small nuances within each of them that may deny or favor the right to compensation. If you have been involved in an accident in Philadelphia and would like to contact an experienced lawyer, we recommend looking at personal injury law firms such as Munley Law personal injury attorneys 1429 Walnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19102 (215) 515-7747.
What is the time limit for filing a personal injury claim?
In most cases, the maximum time limit for filing a personal injury claim is up to three years. This period begins to run from the day the accident occurred, except in cases of medical malpractice or poisoning by defective drugs or products. In the latter two cases, the date from which the three years are counted is when the negligence is diagnosed or when the symptoms related to the exposure to these substances that have been harmful appear.
Is it necessary to go to court before collecting personal injury compensation?
No, commonly and almost always through lawyers, insurance companies, or persons in charge of paying compensation reach agreements on the terms and amount of compensation before going to trial.
How long does it take to collect the compensation?
This time depends on the process, but under normal conditions, the approximate time to collect compensation for personal injury ranges from 20 days to three months.