Did you know that in 2018 there were 4,862 large trucks involved in a fatal car crash? If you were recently involved in an accident with a large commercial vehicle and are wondering how much money do you get from a commercial vehicle accident settlement, you are in the right place. Keep reading to learn the ins and outs of being involved in a commercial vehicle accident.
Contact Medical Professionals
Whether there is a noticeable emergency or not, you want to make sure that you contact emergency services right away right after the accident. This will ensure that no one has broken any bones and that the injuries are not life-threatening.
Ensure that you keep records of anything you pay out of pocket or any bills that the hospitals or doctors give you. Documenting everything is necessary to make sure that your case goes smoothly in court. You definitely want to contact medical services before contacting a truck accident attorney.
Collect Your Evidence
The goal is to collect as much evidence as you can right after the accident while everything is fresh on your mind and everyone else’s mind. You want to collect the name of the truck driver, their insurance information, their contact information, license plate, driver’s license number, and the truck they were driving, along with anything they were hauling.
You also want to ask anyone that witnessed the accident to please stay at the scene until the cops come to take statements from them. If they can’t stay, take a video or written statement at the scene giving their side of the story. Of course, don’t forget to take pictures of the accident scene and videos as well.
Truck Accident Attorney
Next, you will want to find an attorney that has experience with accident cases. An experienced truck accident lawyer will be able to advise you on the next steps to take. The great thing about working with an attorney after a car accident is that they will work on a contingency basis.
This means that if they do not win the case, they do not get paid. You can bet that they will work extra hard to ensure that they are not working for free.
Remember that depending on where you live, there are usually time limits on filing a claim after the accident. For example, in Georgia, you have two years to file a claim, and if you wait past those two years, there is nothing you can do about your claim.
Types of Compensation
There are different types of compensation that you can get after being involved in a truck accident. An experienced attorney can fight for you to get your medical bills covered, receive money for property damage and for any wages you lost due to the accident.
They can also help you get money for any pain and suffering in your settlement.
How does Long Will Settlement take?
The truth is that there is no set time. First, you will have to know if the injuries you received were permanent or temporary because this will make a big difference when it comes to settling. The last thing you want is to agree too soon because your injuries might seem temporary, but they might turn out to be more long-term or even permanent.
Some cases will take extra time because they might require litigation. It might take certain issues to be ironed out in court, taking many back and forth. This back and forth litigation process can take between two to five years to come to a resolution finally.
If you are not willing to settle for something less than you deserve, expect your case to take longer and for your attorney to fight for a longer period of time.
Talking to the Insurance Company
Before you talk to your insurance, talk to your attorney because they will explain anything that you should avoid telling them. The reason is that anything that you say to the insurance company can come out in the proceedings, and it can be used against you if you say the wrong thing.
Everything you tell the insurance company can either help or damage your case, and it can also affect the amount of money you receive.
Who Can Be Held Liable?
When it comes to truck accidents, there are so many different parties that can actually be held liable and responsible for the accident. Sometimes the owner of the freight will be held responsible or owner of the truck. In some cases, the manufacturer of the truck can be held liable if something is faulty.
The trucking company itself can also be held at fault and be responsible for paying the victim for their pain and suffering. Because there are so many different parties that can be held liable, it takes time to investigate all the moving parts and evaluate who was right or wrong.
Feeling Like a Commercial Vehicle Accident Settlement Pro?
We hope that now that you learned all about what to expect from a commercial vehicle accident settlement, you are feeling more confident moving forward and feeling a bit less overwhelmed. We understand how difficult and confusing things can be after an accident, and our goal is to help you make wise decisions.
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